Saturday, August 4, 2007

At the Beach

I think they are in NJ. Maybe Asbury Park, but apparently the Beach was the place to be.

The Brothers

Gloria, Sam, John - siblings and Marion -fiance

All the siblings, you just can't see them all.

Fathers as children.

Thanks to my cousin Cat, there are now some great photos in the gallery of our fathers as youngsters. Also some pics of my Grandfather that I never had seen before.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Growing up

This post is dedicated to my niece Abigail who wanted to see some pics of her as a youngster. I don't think they get younger than this pic. Abbie is just a few hours old.

Here she is with mom, aunt and poppop. She is the cute blonde at our knees.

Same day, without Mom to notice, she tackled balancing on the porch railing.
And here Abbie is with Tom wait its Anthony michael Hall...Nope, its Uncle Pete.

And several years later - on the left is Abbie, poppop and her sister. Abbie is in college now. What a trip it has been watching her grow up!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Learning from our elders.

The knowledge is passed on - after a great cookout and a day full of fun. The hammock is your friend.

Family gatherings 2

Family Gatherings of course mean photos. What a couple of wild crews we have here. It always seems like there is someone in the group that must be doing bunny ears to the ones in the front. Here we have the two rowdy guys in the back.

Here is the same generation of three families. Can you match up who is siblings with who?

Family gatherings mean photos

Remember this crew? Maybe not, but if you look at an earlier post you may recognize these guys in their spiffy outfits and slicked back hair. At least I THINK some of them are also from that photo. The guy in the middle definately. The one on the fair right, I think so also. Hey, look at the little dude in the front, what a time stopper that sailor outfit is.

Friday, July 6, 2007


My Dad, in his Kilt.

What did he wear under it?

Another Mom

This one is my Mom. Pretty great woman. Strong, sensible, open minded, giving and also determined. I believe this is circa 1989ish.

Old Timers

No real idea on who these old timers are. I know they are back in my grandmothers family tree, but not sure who is who and even when the pictures were taken. I am pretty sure one of them is my great grandmother and that would make some great aunts and great uncles. They came to me very faded, brown and aged. Just about what a 100 year old photo may look. I used some photoshop to clean them up - change the sepia to black and white and get some better detail. Very interesting clothing and such. I don't know if I could go without my crocs or tee shirts. But they did.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Everytime I look at this picture I think of the Parent trap. You know, the twins seperated and one is neat and clean and one is a tomboy? These are not sisters, but cousins. So maybe I should think of the Patty Duke show.

Old old photos.

One of the few remaining childhood pics of my husband, his older brother, little sister and some strange woman. And cropped from that photo a close up of him, he was five.

Mom in Law

My Mother in Law was a hoot! She was also the sweetest, most generous person in town. I don't know the dates on these, but here are a few I found recently.

Disco Momma!

Keeping the boys in line Momma

 Thinking Momma

Friday, June 29, 2007

Before and After

My big sister as a baby. And my Mom. circa 1950's.My big sister, circa 1980's.

Me again. What a face! circa early 1960's

Me again, what a 'do! circa 1980's.

A photo album

Photos to start the blog rolling.

My brother is in the tub and I am the cute grouch.